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Fines for extermination of rare animal species will be increased 10 times in Uzbekistan

07.06.2023 | 23:03 |
 Fines for extermination of rare animal species will be increased 10 times in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan will increase the amount of penalties for damage caused to the animal world as a result of illegal hunting of animals listed in the Red Book of Uzbekistan by 10 times. Fines for damage to plants will increase by 5 times to the extent of stopping their growth or destruction.

The Uzbek authorities will issue such strict sanctions in accordance with the decree of the President of Uzbekistan "On measures to transform the sphere of ecology and environmental protection and the organization of the activities of the authorized state body", which was signed by Shavkat Mirziyoyev, according to the Uzbek information and legal portal.

Now the size of the fine is from five to ten BRV — from 1.65 million ($145) to 3.3 million soums ($290). The Uzbek authorities also intend to impose fines from 100 to 300 BRV for legal entities — from 33 million ($2906) to 99 million soums ($8720) and oblige companies to organize planting of seedlings on the site of destroyed trees.



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