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A competition among women working in the field of transport and communications has been launched in Turkmenistan

26.02.2024 | 13:24 |
 A competition among women working in the field of transport and communications has been launched in Turkmenistan

The “Hünärim bar—hormatym bar” competition has begun among workers in the transport and communications sector of Turkmenistan, which is dedicated to International Women’s Day, the Turkmenavtoulaglary agency reports.

The organizers of the competition are the National Center of Trade Unions of Turkmenistan, the Central Council of the Women's Union, the agencies subordinate to the Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers - “Turkmenaragatnashyk”, “Turkmenhowayollary”, “Turkmenavtoulaglary”, “Turkmendenizderyayollary” and “Turkmendemiryollary”.

The first stage of the competition was held within the department, the best of which received the right to continue to participate further.

The final stage of the competition will consist of the following tasks: a welcoming speech by participants in working uniforms, a presentation of their specialty, a demonstration of mastery of national types of needlework, as well as a display of clothing in Turkmen national jewelry.



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