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Last week, 24 transactions were registered at SCRMET trading

27.05.2024 | 12:45 |
 Last week, 24 transactions were registered at SCRMET trading

Last week, 24 transactions were registered at the auction of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.

For foreign currency, entrepreneurs from the United Arab Emirates, Germany, Turkey, and Afghanistan purchased polypropylene, base oil, aviation and lighting kerosene produced at the technological installations of the Turkmennebit Group of Companies, as well as urea produced by the Turkmenhimiya Group of Companies and hydraulic oil.

In addition, business representatives from the United Arab Emirates and Turkey purchased cotton yarn and cotton waste using foreign currency.

The total amount of transactions amounted to over 64 million US dollars.

Turkmen businessmen purchased float glass for the domestic market for a total amount of 4 million 185 thousand manats.

Quotations on the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan can be found at link.



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