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Vladimir Putin congratulated Serdar Berdimuhamedov on his birthday by phone

22.09.2023 | 18:52 |
 Vladimir Putin congratulated Serdar Berdimuhamedov on his birthday by phone

Russian President Vladimir Putin on the phone congratulated the head of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov on his 42nd birthday, the Turkmen state news agency reports.

The Russian leader wished his Turkmen counterpart good health, well-being and further success in state activities. Putin noted that Russia highly appreciates the efforts of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov aimed at strengthening the traditionally constructive dialogue between the countries.

Thanking his colleague for the warm congratulations and friendly attitude towards Turkmenistan, the head of the Turkmen state expressed satisfaction with the high level of partnership between Ashgabat and Moscow.

According to the Kremlin's official website, during the telephone conversation, "mutual commitment to further comprehensive development of Russian-Turkmen relations in the spirit of in-depth strategic partnership was also confirmed."

Photo: TASS

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