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A memorandum on the International Union of Special Economic Zones of the North-South ITC was signed in Tehran

10.04.2024 | 21:55 |
 A memorandum on the International Union of Special Economic Zones of the North-South ITC was signed in Tehran

At the 17th meeting of the permanent Russian-Iranian commission on trade and economic cooperation, there was signed a memorandum between the Union of Technologies and Logistics (Russian Federation) and the Anzeli free trade and industrial zone (Islamic Republic of Iran) on the creation of the International Union of Special and Free economic zones of the ITC "North - South".

The document was signed by the co-chairman of the Union "Technology and Logistics", Director General of the SEZ "Lotus" JSC Sergey Milushkin and Director General, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the free trade and industrial zone "Anzeli" Mohammad Sajjad Siakhkarzade, the portal of the authorities of the Astrakhan region reports.

Cooperation will not be limited only to representatives of Russia and Iran - it is planned to attract to the international Union other countries of the Caspian region and states interested in the development of the North-South international transport corridor, Sergei Milushkin comments.

The memorandum is aimed at increasing the level of economic cooperation between countries through the interaction of management companies and associations of special (free) economic zones.

It is expected that the creation of the International Union of Economic Zones will give a noticeable impetus to the formation and development of the trans-Caspian route of the North-South ITC. The signing of this memorandum will make it possible to coordinate efforts at the international level in the field of industrial cooperation, logistics and remove barriers associated with differences in the laws of countries.



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