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A meeting with representatives of the IDB and the Singapore Port was held at the "Turmendenizderyayollary"

20.09.2023 | 16:47 |
 A meeting with representatives of the IDB and the Singapore Port was held at the "Turmendenizderyayollary"

On September 18, 2023, a meeting was held at the agency "Turkmendenizderyayollary" between representatives of the Agency "Turkmendenizderyayollary" and representatives of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), as well as representatives of the Singapore Port.

As it is known, according to the Agreement concluded between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Islamic Development Bank, the Bank plans to finance the construction of 2 Ro-Pax ferries for the national merchant fleet of Turkmenistan.

Within the framework of this project, an agreement was signed with the IDB on the grant for the improvement and development of the potential of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport.

During the meeting, issues and tasks were discussed on the project for the development of maritime transport of Turkmenistan funded by the IDB. It was especially noted that the main objectives of financing are the development and stimulation of the shipbuilding industry of our country, the improvement of the national merchant fleet, the development of the potential of maritime transport, the training of highly qualified specialists and experts in this field.

Also during the meeting, representatives of the Singapore Port showed a presentation on the development of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport, which reflected important aspects and tasks to increase the potential and competitiveness of the Turkmenbashi seaport.

It is worth noting that cooperation between Turkmenistan and Singapore began in 2022, and one of the main directions was the development of marketing in the port of Turkmenbashi. For effective work in this direction, a special working group was created, consisting of representatives of the agency "Turmendenizderyayollary" and the International Seaport of Turkmenbashi. A similar method was also used in the port of Singapore. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to conduct trainings for group members, including both inviting representatives to Turkmenistan and training via video link, as well as visits of group members to Singapore. These actions contribute to the exchange of knowledge and the deepening of partnership between the two countries, which becomes a determining factor for the successful implementation of the project.



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