Akhal-Teke: the heavenly horses and the “steel wrapped in silk”
12.02.2021 | 14:22 |We may only nobly speak about the Turkmen Akhal-Teke horses. This is the oldest of the cultivated breeds, which influenced many other well-known breeds and, thus, made a huge contribution to the horse breeding of the East and West. According to scientists, the entire cultural horse breeding of Asia-from the Great Wall of China and the banks of the Indus to Egypt for many centuries was formed under the direct influence of Turkmen horses. The Akhal-Teke horse belongs to the number of thoroughbred breeds, as it is the standard riding horse and for 5,000 years has not crossed with other breeds.
The Akhal-Teke is the most beautiful and graceful horse with an unusual exterior that radically distinguishes it from other horse breeds. The predominance of long lines throughout its appearance at fast running makes it look like a cheetah. Due to the extremely dry, lean constitution, when only powerful muscles are hidden under the thin skin with a delicate and silky hair cover, the Akhal-Teke is called “steel wrapped in silk”.
Recent research in the field of hippology has shown that horses have excellent memory. They are able to recognize the person whom with they were good or bad after many years of separation. A well-trained horse recognizes its owner, preempts his wishes and never leaves him in the lurch. And in this respect, the Akhal-Teke has no equal one. This elegant and intelligent animal, as they say, “reads the thoughts of the owner in the eyes”. Turkmens have always considered the horse as a member of the family, and it responded to this with such devotion and love, which legends were made up about. And the concept of “a horse of one owner”, which is widespread among “equestrians”, can be attributed, first of all, to the Akhal-Teke one.

The ancient history and special genetics of the Turkmen horses gave them about 20 striking color coat patterns, which are unlikely to be possessed by any other breed. In the rich palette of the Akhal-Teke breed colors, besides the main and most common – bay, black, red and gray – there are rare dun, light bay, Isabelline, dark bay, brown. At the same time, all colors are characterized by a bright golden or silvery gleam of wool.
In the literature, you can find the statement that only among the representatives of the Akhal-Teke breed there is such a rare suit as Isabelline. According to other opinions, the Isabelline color is also found among Kinski horses and some pony breeds; in addition, there are specially bred breeds of American “cream” riding horses. However, when studying the genetics of colors, when it was necessary to separate light bay horses (with dark skin and eyes) from pink-skinned and blue-eyed Isabelline horses, the researchers used Akhal-Teke horses.
The horses of the Isabelline suit have a cream or melted milk coat color, pink skin on the whole body and blue, less often green or amber-colored eyes. Isn’t it for this fabulous combination of light skin and blue eyes that the Akhal-Teke horses are called heavenly or divine ones? In different light, the shade of the Isabelline suit changes: in the sun, it is silvery, at sunset – reddish, in the morning light – milky white, in cloudy weather-ivory. To date, this is the most beautiful horse in the world, and the price for it is not advertised anywhere.

The true son of the desert – the Akhal-Teke horse – is characterized by incredible endurance and adaptability to the surrounding conditions, it is undemanding to food and easily endures thirst. It is enough to recall the famous run on Akhal-Teke horses on the route Ashgabat – Moscow, which took place in 1935. Then the distance between the two cities was covered during 84 days, and the riders overcame the sands of the Kara Kum in three days without stopping for food, drink or sleep.
Experts believe that the Akhal-Teke horses owe their unusual gait to the conditions of the viscous sands: while walking and trotting, it seems that the horse smoothly floats above the ground, without touching it with its feet. This method of movement helped the Akhal-Teke horses to easily walk even on quicksand. Despite their thin, delicate skin and very short hair, Turkmen horses can endure temperatures from -30 to +50C, as well as their serious differences. And this makes them able to frolic not only in the Turkmen sands, but also in the Siberian snows. Akhal-Teke horses are hot and sensitive horses with a fiery temper.
Today, Turkmen specialists, continuing the work of their ancestors, are working to improve the scientific-breeding and tribal business, to popularize the legendary Akhal-Teke horses in the world. For this purpose, qualitatively new conditions have been created in the country: horse-breeding and equestrian complexes have been built that meet international standards, qualified specialists are being trained, and research institutions equipped with modern technology are being created. Work is underway to increase the number of elite horses and ensure proper care for them in the equestrian complexes and stables under the jurisdiction of the State Association Türkmen atlary (Turkmen horses).

In the new administrative center of Akhal velayat, known as the historic homeland of the famous Akhal-Teke horses, it is being built an International higher education institution with training venues, arenas and stables, and Horse-breeding Research and Production Center. Together with the International Horse Breeding Sports Complex located nearby, they will form a modern cluster that will bring the industry to the world level. In order to increase the world fame of Turkmen horses, the necessary information has been collected for the inclusion of the “Culture of Growing and Breeding Akhal-Teke Horses” in the prestigious UNESCO World Heritage List.
Ogulgozel REJEPOVA