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Building Bridges, Boosting Business: An interview with the Turkish Commercial Attaché

29.05.2024 | 17:00 |
 Building Bridges, Boosting Business: An interview with the Turkish Commercial Attaché

Turkmenistan and Türkiye, bound by historical ties and cultural commonalities, have seen their economic and commercial partnership flourish in recent years. In this exclusive video interview, we sit down with the Commercial Attaché of the Turkish Embassy in Turkmenistan to delve deeper into this dynamic relationship.

Our conversation will explore key areas of collaboration, including:

• The robust presence of Turkish companies in Turkmenistan's infrastructure development.

• The role of the Türkiye-Turkmenistan Business Council in fostering trade and knowledge transfer.

• Exciting prospects for future collaboration in various sectors.

Join us as we gain insights into the current landscape and future potential of economic cooperation between these two important regional players.

(The interview was recorded on February 29, 2024)

Here are some helpful websites for entrepreneurs exporting to Türkiye:

Turkish Ministry of Trade: Provides information on trade regulations, customs procedures, and export incentives -

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce: Offers resources on doing business in Türkiye, including information on finding partners and navigating legalities -

KOSGEB: The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization provides support and guidance for entrepreneurs, including export-related programs -

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) is the largest business organization in Turkey. TOBB has been active in promoting economic cooperation between Turkey and Turkmenistan -

This publication was prepared by USAID’s Trade Central Asia activity, as a part of the Export Ecosystem Development Initiative in cooperation with the Orient Information Portal.


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