Ambassador: Navoi and Magtymguly poetry is a common treasure trove of Uzbek and Turkmen cultures
05.02.2024 | 15:02 |A briefing for media representatives was held at the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Ashgabat. Ambassador Akmaljon Kuchkarov presented to journalists a summary of the state and prospects of Turkmen-Uzbek cooperation in key areas, placing special emphasis on the cultural and humanitarian component
In this context, the diplomat highlighted the opening of the Ashgabat Park in the center of Tashkent, Magtymguly Street, as well as the Uzbek-Turkmen Friendship House and the Ulli Hovli memorial complex in Khiva, and the Tashkent Park in Ashgabat. He also noted that one of the central avenues of the Turkmen capital is named after Alisher Navoi, whose monument is installed on the alley "Ylham" located along this avenue.
In his speech, the Ambassador drew the attention of the audience to two significant dates – the 583rd anniversary of the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi and the 541st anniversary of Zahiraddin Muhammad Bobur, poet, historian and statesman. These major figures are significant not only for the Uzbek people, but also for the Turkmen people, because our neighboring countries and their cultures, with their unique features, are united in many ways by a common and indivisible heritage.
The Ambassador described the contribution of Alisher Navoi to poetry and literature of the East, his work. Time has left us about 30 collections of poetry, poems, scientific works and poetic treatises. Akmaljon Kuchkarov focused on the work "Hamsa", which includes five epics: “Khairat ul-Abror” (“The Surprise of good people”), “Farkhod and Shirin”, “Leyli and Majnun”, “Sab’ai Sayyar” (“Seven Planets”), “Saddi Iskandari” (“The Wall Alexandra”). This work by Navoi is considered the first work in the Turkic language in this genre.
The diplomat also ate some facts from Navoi, who, being a follower of the Naqshbandi Sufi order, led an ascetic lifestyle and never married. In 1469, Timurid Hussein Baykara conquered Herat and became the ruler of Khorasan. Since that time, a new stage in Navoi’s life has begun, he takes an active part in the political life of the country and soon receives an appointment as keeper of the state seal, and then becomes a minister.
During his career, he made a significant contribution to the cultural and scientific development of the country. In 1480, in Herat and other regions, at his own expense, he built several madrassas, 40 free hotels for traveling travelers, 17 mosques, 10 Sufi dwellings (khanaka), 9 baths, 9 bridges, etc.
In his post, Navoi provided great assistance to musicians, poets, artists and calligraphers, for which he enjoyed great popularity among the people.
“During our stay in Turkmenistan, we witnessed that the memory and legacy of the great Uzbek poet, thinker and statesman Alisher Navoi are treated with deep respect and respect in this country,” Ambassador Akmaljon Kuchkarov said, giving several examples.
In particular, he referred to the statements of Turkmen scientists and the Turkmen destanies “Gulfem” and “Mirali ve Sultan Suyun” dedicated to Navoi and the fact that on the national stringed musical instruments of Turkmenistan, the octave giving the highest range of sound is called the “Navoi octave”.
The Ambassador noted that the new film by Turkmen cinematographers “Istyarin” (premiered in 2022) about Magtymguly Pyragy reflects the enormous influence Navoi had on the formation of the spiritual world of the great Turkmen poet and philosopher. Navoi was also revered as a mentor by such outstanding Turkmen classics as Mollanepes, Andalip, Kemine…
At the same time, Akmaljon Kuchkarov emphasized that in the work of Magtymguly in Uzbekistan they see the continuation of the work of Alisher Navoi.
– Many Uzbek folk songs are based on the poems of Magtymguly, many of his poems are sung by the great Uzbek khophyses Muhiddin Kori Yekubov, Orif Alimakhsumov, Komiljon Otaniezov, Fakhriddin Umarov, - said the ambassador, expressing in conclusion the idea that the poetry of Alisher Navoi and Magtymguly is a common treasury of Uzbek and Turkmen cultures.
It was also reported during the briefing that this year it is planned to hold days of culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Turkmenistan, and in the new cultural and park complex, which is scheduled to open as part of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly, a monument to the great Uzbek poet and thinker will be erected in front of his monument.