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Industrial growth and trade of Turkmenistan: results for January-February

02.03.2024 | 02:28 |
 Industrial growth and trade of Turkmenistan: results for January-February

During the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, Deputy Prime Minister Batyr Atdayev presented the results of the work of the departments and companies under his supervision that are part of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

The private sector of the Turkmen economy demonstrated the highest growth, providing a growth index of 105.7%. Moreover, industrial production increased by 107.3%, and agricultural and food production - by 104.1%.

The State Association “Turkmenkhaly” follows with a slight lag behind the entrepreneurs, having fulfilled the plan by 104.2%.

The third place in the block is occupied by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, achieving a growth rate of 103.4%. Plus, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized 16 forums in two months of this year.

According to the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, the volume of trade turnover increased by 102.2% compared to January-February 2023.

The complex of plants and factories of the Ministry of Textile Industry fulfilled the plan for the production of cotton fabric and clothing at 100%, and leather products at 106.1%.

The State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange held 49 trades, concluding 4,455 contracts, which is 102.4% compared to the same period in 2023.

Taking into account the achieved results, the President of Turkmenistan instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to continue to improve the quality of markets and retail

outlets, provide the population with all necessary goods and improve the activities of the departments under his supervision, relying on international experience.



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